[FX.php List] Current function

Gjermund Gusland Thorsen ggt667 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 12:08:06 MST 2008

Ehh $key=>$queryData not $key=$queryData


2008/11/13 Bob Patin <bob at patin.com>:
> Hey G,
> How do I use that? Do I put that line after a FOREACH?
> I tried doing this:
> foreach($queryResult['data'] as $key=$queryData);
> list( $recid, $modid ) = explode( '.', $key );
> echo $recid;
> and I get nothing...
> Thanks,
> Bob
> On Nov 13, 2008, at 12:13 PM, Gjermund Gusland Thorsen wrote:
>> list( $recid, $modid ) = explode( '.', $key );
>> ggt667
>> 2008/11/13 Bob Patin <bob at patin.com>:
>>> Maybe I'm missing something here, but I find it much simpler to put a
>>> calc
>>> field in my tables to retrieve the recid, and then I pull in that field
>>> when
>>> I pull in other fields. It only takes a single line of code, and the
>>> field
>>> in FM is simply recid=get(recordid).
>>> Bob Patin
>>> Longterm Solutions LLC
>>> bob at longtermsolutions.com
>>> 615-333-6858
>>> http://www.longtermsolutions.com
>>> iChat/AIM: bobpatin
>>> FileMaker 9 Certified Developer
>>> Member of FileMaker Business Alliance
>>> --------------------------
>>> FileMaker hosting and consulting for all versions of FileMaker
>>> PHP • Full email services • Free DNS hosting • Colocation • Consulting
>>> On Nov 13, 2008, at 11:26 AM, Anders Monsen wrote:
>>>> Revisiting this function, is it possible to get the FileMaker record ID
>>>> via current( )? I use this to pull fields from a found set of one, and I
>>>> need to send over the recid in a form.
>>>> Until now I have been using something like this:
>>>> foreach($createResult['data'] as $key=>$value) {
>>>>      $recordDetails = explode('.',$key);
>>>>      $currentRecord = $recordDetails[0];
>>>> }
>>>> While I like the elegance of current( ), I am not sure how to isolate
>>>> the
>>>> recid piece, which would be very useful.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Anders
>>>> On Sep 22, 2008, at 9:26 PM, Andy Gaunt wrote:
>>>>> You can also use the current function for a single record
>>>>> $value = current($queryResult['data']);
>>>>> Then you can just echo $value['field'][0];
>>>>> Also, don't forget that if you have NO related data you can tell your
>>>>> query that and drop the [0] completely eg;
>>>>> $queryResult = FMFind (true, 'full',false);
>>>>> $value = current($queryResult['data']);
>>>>> echo $value['field'];
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Andy
>>>>> On Sep 22, 2008, at 7:15 PM, Bob Patin wrote:
>>>>>> Leo,
>>>>>> I use it when I'm pulling data from a single record, like this:
>>>>>> foreach($findResult['data'] as $key => $value);
>>>>>> $field1 = $value['field1'][0];
>>>>>> $field2 = $value['field2'][0];
>>>>>> $field3 = $value['field3'][0];
>>>>>> ... and so on. There's no need for a looping structure since your
>>>>>> foundset only has a single record. I use it all the time...
>>>>>> Also, you can use that same method if you want to retrieve the last
>>>>>> record in the foundset. Opposite to FileMaker, which always shows you
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> first record in a foundset after a FIND, this method returns the last
>>>>>> record.
>>>>>> So if you get 10 records returned, and use that method above, you'll
>>>>>> retrieve the values in the last record of the foundset, based on the
>>>>>> sort
>>>>>> rules you may have used.
>>>>>> Bob Patin
>>>>>> Longterm Solutions
>>>>>> bob at longtermsolutions.com
>>>>>> 615-333-6858
>>>>>> http://www.longtermsolutions.com
>>>>>> iChat: bobpatin
>>>>>> AIM: longterm1954
>>>>>> FileMaker 9 Certified Developer
>>>>>> Member of FileMaker Business Alliance and FileMaker TechNet
>>>>>> --------------------------
>>>>>> FileMaker hosting and consulting for all versions of FileMaker
>>>>>> PHP • Full email services • Free DNS hosting • Colocation • Consulting
>>>>>> On Sep 22, 2008, at 6:03 PM, Leo R. Lundgren wrote:
>>>>>>> 23 sep 2008 kl. 00.56 skrev Bob Patin:
>>>>>>>> Jonathan,
>>>>>>>> You can use this:
>>>>>>>> foreach($findResult['data'] as $key => $value);
>>>>>>>> Notice the semicolon...
>>>>>>> Bob; What is this syntax for? I've never seen it being used before.
>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>> only thing I can think of it accomplishing is to set $key and $value
>>>>>>> to the
>>>>>>> values of the very last item in the array?
>>>>>>> -|
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