[FX.php List] Re: Error I've never seen before

Bob Patin bob at patin.com
Sat May 17 10:37:10 MDT 2008

Well, I'm really stumped now.

I took all the variables, and replaced them with their values, and the  
query worked.

So then I took one variable at a time and put it back, to see which  
variable wasn't being properly resolved.

Couldn't find it... each time I replaced a variable the query kept  

Perhaps an invisible character? I didn't think that would be possible  
in code on a form. Also, my orig. query was one I'd used on another  
page, and I just pasted it in and changed the variables.

Too weird... wasted an hour.


On May 17, 2008, at 11:09 AM, Bob Patin wrote:

> What does it mean when I put
> echo $queryResult['errorCode'];
> and get "No Action Taken?"
> I have this simple query
> $query=new FX($serverIP,$webCompanionPort,$scheme);
> $query->SetDBData($dbname,'web_staterooms','All');
> $query->SetDBPassword($webpw,$webun);
> $queryResult=$query->FMFindAll();
> echo $queryResult['errorCode'];
> I've confirmed everything--IP, port, scheme, database name, layout  
> name, username, password...
> But I get nothing back... arggggh...
> BP

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