[FX.php List] FM / FX / PHP Library system

CSInfo CSinfo at comcast.net
Wed Jul 30 13:38:39 MDT 2008

Hello all,
I have a customer that is asking for a Library system for his existing FM9
database. He wants to have a login system that determines a "user group",
gives that user a set of features on a web page, one of those features is an
uploadable library system to store resumes (PDF, word, text) and retrieve
them. The files will be store on their internal W2003 file server and paths
stored in FileMaker.
I have many ideas on how to accomplish this including IWP with plugins but I
would like it to be pure HTML / PHP / FileMaker for speed.
What are some more ideas out there on a solid way to accomplish this upload
/ download process? I am not looking for coding examples but rather a 10,000
foot view from experience. What elements work well together. 
For example, is it a good idea to run FM scripts from PHP to do background
FM work? What FM file plugins work well on the web?
Thank you,
John Funk
FileMaker Developer and web Dabbler
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