[FX.php List] Boolean-type searches

DC dan.cynosure at dbmscan.com
Tue Sep 25 13:17:51 MDT 2007

hey chris, just set up a wee wiki and we'll work on the FAQ.

1) How do I do a boolean AND with nested OR search (X=1 AND (Y=0 OR Y=""))

2) What can I do to really slow things down on my FMP web interface? 
(Flabby layouts, container fields, unstored calc fields, etc...)

3) Who made this wicked cool FX.php thing anyhow?



Chris Hansen had written:
> Dan,
> I think you hit the highlights.  (Though Derrick brings up another 
> interesting possibility.)  Note that if you want to use a global for 
> option 1, that globals in FM7 and up require some special handling -- 
> use the SetFMGlobal() function within FX.php, not the generic 
> SetDBParam() function.  Also note that this logical AND/OR thing is a 
> limitation of using FileMaker's XML interface (so you may bump into this 
> elsewhere), just a heads up.
> On another note, okay there should be a FAQ...  Any other suggestions 
> for FAQ questions?  And okay, I'll look into making the archives 
> searchable (sheesh Dan, way to rock my boat ;-p )
> --Chris Hansen
>   FileMaker 8 Certified Developer
>   FileMaker 7 Certified Developer
>   Creator of FX.php
>   "The best way from FileMaker to the Web."
>   www.iViking.org
> On Sep 25, 2007, at 12:50 PM, DC wrote:
>> is there a FAQ? this should be question #1. also, is there a list 
>> archive? ah yes, there it is:
>> http://www.iviking.org/mailman/listinfo/fx.php_list
>> oh shit. it's not searchable.
>> well....
>> there is no simple way to do this. choose your poison.
>> 1. write a script in FMP and run the script from FX.php. the result 
>> set after the script runs should be your set.
>> 2. return one set of results from a wider search and cull the results 
>> in a foreach loop in PHP.
>> 3. return two sets of results and merge/cull them in PHP.
>> 4. do a combination.
>> hey guys, did i forget anything?
>> dan
>> Carl Anderson had written:
>>> Good day, list.
>>> I apologize if this is academic, or is written in some obvious place 
>>> that
>>> I've overlooked.
>>> I'm trying to query a database with two fields, let's say: Points and
>>> Status.
>>> I'm looking to search for something like the following (pseudo-codish):
>>> Status = 1 AND (Points = 0 OR Points = "")
>>> Sadly, I have no clue how to do this with FX.php--seems if I do a 
>>> logical
>>> OR, then I end up with:
>>> Status = 1 OR Points = 0 OR Points = ""
>>> Can someone point me in the right direction?  I really need it to be
>>> X=1 AND (Y=0 OR Y="")
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