[FX.php List] JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery assistance?

Joel Shapiro jsfmp at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 25 12:21:06 MDT 2007

Thanks Dale & Nick for the suggestions -- and the advice to always  
start element names with letters.  (Dale, were you implying that  
starting them with CAPS are preferable to lower case "Try starting  
them with A-Z, a-z"?)

I haven't found a fix yet...  I'll keep trying.

Any other suggestions?


On Sep 24, 2007, at 9:34 PM, Nick wrote:

> I noticed you're using a few different doctypes.  along with id's  
> starting with letters and not numbers as said above, checking which  
> doctypes your javascript supports is a good idea.

On Sep 24, 2007, at 7:34 PM, Dale Bengston wrote:

> Hi Joel,
> What happens if you use double quotes around the id of the ajax-d  
> div instead of single quotes? Also, JavaScript doesn't like element  
> names and other attributes that start with numbers (form names,  
> classes, ids, etc.) Try starting them with A-Z, a-z.
> Hope this gets you started,
> Dale
> On Sep 24, 2007, at 7:50 PM, Joel Shapiro wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I've got a JavaScript tooltip (jTip with jQuery) working to pull  
>> record details (not initially loaded on the page) into a tooltip.   
>> This works fine.
>> I've also got links that load new data into existing divs on my  
>> starting page.  This also works fine.
>> However...
>> I would like the reloaded divs to still have 'hover-able'  
>> tooltips... but this is not working fine.  It's not working at  
>> all :-(
>> It _seems_ that the reloaded divs can't refer back to the tooltip  
>> JavaScript that was loaded when the start page first loaded.  Yet  
>> when I try a different js tooltip, I *can* get the tooltips to  
>> work inside the new AJAX divs.
>> I've put a demo here:
>> http://jsfmp.com/tooltip/notworking.html
>> (This is not connected to a DB, although I'm using LAJAX to call  
>> the ajaxpage into the div because it was available and easy ;)
>>  - So my question is:  Why is the jQuery/jTip tooltip not working  
>> while another js tooltip is?  And is there anything I can do so  
>> that the jTip functionality will work inside the reloaded AJAX  
>> divs?  (The tooltip that *does* work doesn't have features I'd  
>> like to use, such as re-positioning so tooltips don't go outside  
>> the browser window...)
>> Thanks for any/all suggestions.
>> -Joel
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