[FX.php List] Strange FX behavior

Bob Patin bob at patin.com
Tue May 1 09:45:20 MDT 2007

That's a good idea, but I'd already tried it... she has a calc field  
that equals the related field. I instead took the related field  
itself and put it on the layout, and then tried to pull that into the  
query results, but it didn't work.

Yes, the same problem seems to be shared by both fields coming from  
this other file; Since she had this mess of 24 files, she didn't  
combine these into a single file, so I'm hosting 24 files for her  
just to be able to do this simple query (I'm not complaining!).

I just wish I could get it to work... I don't want to lose this  
client... :)


On May 1, 2007, at 10:40 AM, Erik Andreas Cayré wrote:

> You said you are having problems with more than one field. Do these  
> fields share the problem you described?
> Could it be that the context needed for the field to evaluate  
> simply isn't there (for whatever reason) when accessing it with CWP?
> Could you replace the field wth one that has the same contents, but  
> which is not evaluated in the same manner?
> (eg. Use the field in the related table directly on the layout)

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