[FX.php List] case sensitive query + indexing question]

Alex Gates alex at gandrpublishing.com
Thu Jul 19 17:25:02 MDT 2007

Thanks Chris and Troy -

That worked.  Thank you both -
Chris - I didn't try your calculated field method - but thanks for the
tip... in this case its OK to always have it case sensitive.

Finally - (I'm on a roll here with the questions... sorry)
I was wondering if anyone has any insight on what fields to index and
what fields to turn indexing off.

When should I and when shouldn't I be indexing?

Looking at my DB, I realized I turned indexing off on my calculated
RecID (get(RecID)) field.  I don't recall why.
Maybe my LAJAX would be a little speedier on the find if I indexed those...

Thanks again -

(I owe some drinks at DevCon.)

Chris Hansen wrote:
> Alex,
> The easiest solution is probably to use unicode indexing on that field.  
> Of course, that makes all searches case sensitive, but that's often what 
> you want in such cases.  Come to think of it, I think it would work to 
> have two fields: one a calc with unicode indexing, the other the main 
> field with the default indexing (or vice versa).  That would give you 
> the flexibility to have case sensitivity or not, as the situation 
> dictated.  HTH
> --Chris Hansen
>   FileMaker 8 Certified Developer
>   FileMaker 7 Certified Developer
>   Creator of FX.php
>   "The best way from FileMaker to the Web."
>   www.iViking.org
> On Jul 19, 2007, at 4:14 PM, Alex Gates wrote:
>> While I'm at it...
>> Anyone know a trick to make queries case sensitive?
>> for example, if alex is my username, I can still log in with Alex or 
>> ALEX or aLeX.
>> Any special trick to make it case sensitive?
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