[FX.php List] Folder path?

Bob Patin bob at patin.com
Sun Apr 22 20:11:38 MDT 2007

Because the machine they're running FMSA on is a Mac Mini, which has  
a slower hard drive; my theory was to have them put their databases  
on a 7200RPM drive...

I'm not sure I agree with the possibility that FMI was saving us from  
ourselves; my suspicion is that it's a security issue that was  
imposed by OSX Tiger; the ability to store databases externally seems  
to have been affected by the latest OS X security update.

But I don't know that for sure, of course... :)

Bob Patin
Longterm Solutions
bob at longtermsolutions.com

      AIM or iChat: longterm1954
      Yahoo: longterm_solutions
      MSN: tech at longtermsolutions.com
      ICQ: 159333060

On Apr 22, 2007, at 7:18 PM, Tom Sepper wrote:

> Maybe this is a dumb questions, but why would you want to store  
> your production database on an external drive in the first place? I  
> can definitely understand the reasons for backing up to an external  
> drive, but not for the actual database.  IO certainly would suffer  
> if done.
> Tom Sepper
> Director of Information Technology
> Director's Choice Tour & Travel
> P 806.762.6354
> F 806.763.7637
> tsepper at directorschoice.travel
> www.directorschoicetourandtravel.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: fx.php_list-bounces at mail.iviking.org on behalf of Bob Patin
> Sent: Sat 4/21/2007 10:25 AM
> To: FX.php Discussion List
> Subject: [FX.php List] Folder path?
> I want to start using an external HD for a database folder on my FMSA
> machine; assuming my machines are labelled as:
> FMServer - machine itself
> HD -- external drive
> Databases - folder on the external drive
> I keep trying to use
> filemac:/FMServer/HD/Databases/
> but that doesn't work. I also tried
> filemac:/HD/Databases
> and that doesn't work either. What am I missing here??
> Thanks,
> Bob
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