[FX.php List] Generic error message?

Bob Patin bob at patin.com
Mon Apr 9 11:56:26 MDT 2007


Thanks for the input...

I already use several methods to check my servers. One of them, which  
I've used now for almost 10 years, is called PageSentry; it runs on  
the Mac, and I believe is no longer being sold; it works in  
conjunction with some special power strips that I buy from  
Sophisticated, Inc., (sophisticated.com); these USB power strips are  
hooked to the Mac that monitors each server rack. PageSentry performs  
a specific test for each server; for some, like my mail server, FM  
servers, and my DNS servers, it's a simple ping; for my FileMaker  
Unlimited machines, it requests a specific HTML page that also  
triggers a FileMaker query; for my web servers, I request a specific  
HTML page.

When a machine fails, PageSentry is programmed to cycle the power on  
a specific outlet on the power strip, and also to send me a failure  
email. Then, when the machine comes back online, I get a 2nd email  
telling me that the server is back up.

Using this system, I monitor all 35 of my servers; if any machine  
fails, I get an email and the machine restarts. In addition, if a  
machine fails to restart by itself, I can dial a phone line that is  
connected to all of these power strips; using a special code for each  
server, I can restart any of the 35 machines remotely, just by  
dialing in the code.


What I really would like is to have some code in one of my clients'  
sites that would display an error page if the FileMaker server is  
unavailable for any reason--if I'm restarting it, if anything like  
that should happen.


Bob Patin
Longterm Solutions
bob at longtermsolutions.com

      AIM or iChat: longterm1954
      Yahoo: longterm_solutions
      MSN: tech at longtermsolutions.com
      ICQ: 159333060

On Apr 9, 2007, at 10:55 AM, Alex Gates wrote:

> If FM server is down, you will get an FX Error Object kicked back
> instead of a returned result array.
> I have an email sent to my email address and mobile phone
> if(!is_array($accountfindResult))
> This method, however, will only kick out the email if someone attempts
> to log in and it can't reach FileMaker server - it won't automatically
> send an email right when the server goes down- someone must make an
> attempt to log in before I'll get an email -
> There are some apps that you can purchase to monitor your FileMaker
> server - (I don't know them off the top of my head, but I'm sure  
> someone
> could pass along a link) -
> There are services, of course, that will ping your website every  
> once in
> a while - perhaps it would work to put up a simple IWP page and  
> have the
> service ping that page - if that page can't be reached, then there is
> obviously a problem with FileMaker server... just a thought...

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