[FX.php List] Capturing IP for a choice calc

Allyson Olm allyson at fmwebschool.com
Wed Mar 1 08:24:55 MST 2006

Hi Peter,


This should get you started.  You can use the following to get the user's IP




You can then check this against your in-house IP's.


In kindness,

Allyson Olm




From: fx.php_list-bounces at mail.iviking.org
[mailto:fx.php_list-bounces at mail.iviking.org] On Behalf Of Peter Bates
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 10:12 AM
To: FX.php Discussion List
Subject: [FX.php List] Capturing IP for a choice calc


I'm building a solution that contains some copyrighted material on our
website. We have permission to share the copyrighted material with our
patrons while they are in one of our building, but not if they are accessing
the site from outside the building. I'm assuming that I need to capture the
requesting IP address before the data is displayed that basically does the


If IP = Our in-house IP range <!-- We have our own in-house network, inside
and outside DNS servers, web server, etc. -->

Show data from field "x" <!-- This would be actually a link that is stored
in a FMP field. -->


Show "We're sorry, but due to copyright restrictions, this material is only
available in one of our library branches" <!-- This would be displayed in
place of the data from field "x" -->

End If


As I am still floundering around using FileMaker Pro with FX.php, I would
deeply appreciate any help that could point me into the right direction to
code this.


Mac OS X Server 10.4x, FileMaker Server Advanced 8x, PHP 4.x





Peter Bates

Microcomputer Network Specialist

Automated Services

St. Joseph County Public Library

304 S. Main St.

South Bend, IN 46601

voice: (574) 282-4610

fax: (574) 282-4662

e-mail:  <mailto:p.bates at sjcpl.org> p.bates at sjcpl.org

www:  <http://www.libraryforlife.org> http:/www.libraryforlife.org

library catalog:



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